Southborough Church of England Primary School
Southborough Church of England Primary School
In Year 6, art and science will be taught in 2-hour blocks and are rotated with each other each week.
It’s been another fabulous week in Year 6. In English, we have continued reading our book for the term: ‘Runaway Robot’, can you remember what we have read so far in the story? This week we wrote an exciting, short adventure story for Arty to try and entice him out of his coma. What happened in your short story? Do you think it was exciting enough to help Arty wake up? We continued the week by predicting the end of the story using what we had read so far but also the title of our next chapter: ‘Step 25: Robot Revolution’. What do you think happens at the end of the story?
In Geography, we continued our topic, ‘Frozen Kingdoms’. We pivoted our learning this week from environmental features of the environment to the indigenous people who inhabit various countries in the Arctic. What does the word indigenous mean? Which indigenous group did you find out about? Through our research we were able to understand how different life is for those people.
In Science, we expanded our learning about electric circuits by using a multimeter for the first time to measure the voltage of different types of cells. We investigated using AAA, AA, D and 9V cells, as well as comparing their power to multiple of the same cell in a battery holder. What did you find out? Did the batteries have the same voltage as was labelled?
In PSHE, we learnt more about drugs and began to categorise these based upon whether they are for medicinal use or recreational and legal or illegal. Using information provided to us, we debated where nicotine, caffeine, paracetamol, alcohol, heroin and cannabis fit in these categories. We had some very in-depth discussions about the legalities of certain drugs, such as caffeine as the UK legislation has changed over the past few years and this raised very interesting questions amongst the class.
It was great to see so many parents and adults at our SATs Boot Camp. We hope you enjoyed your sneak peek into how we work in class using abstract, concrete and pictorial methods to help us solve maths problems and have more of an idea of how you can use these at home to support your child in their learning. If you were unable to make it, please take a look at the slides below to give you more of an idea of the concepts we went through. We will be using our SATs booster log ins next half term for home learning.
As mentioned last half term, there are still some children coming into school without their coats or jumpers. As we know, British weather can be pretty dismal – especially at this time of year - so your child must be prepared and bring a coat or jumper to wear at break and lunch and on their walks to and from school.
Home learning has been set below – with the challenge of seeing who can win this weeks Battle of Bands.
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
Miss Aldis, Mr Gibson and Mr Bollato
Home Learning
Home learning and spellings will be set each week on a Thursday and will be due in the following Tuesday.
Times Tables Rockstars!
To keep practising the multiplication skills taught in class, and challenging yourself to keep the ones you already know fresh, don’t forget to log into your Times Tables Rockstars account.
You should be practising for at least 30 minutes a week.
We have a TT Rock Star of the week. Look out to see who the first one is!
Rapid recall of multiplication is essential for success in maths and Times Tables Rockstars gives you self-confidence, recognition and motivation to improve.
We will have a times tables check each Wednesday.
Challenge yourself to beat your score, build your knowledge and watch your confidence sore, as you become a Rockstar!
Please ask your class teacher if you need replacement log in details.
The link below will take you to the spelling scheme we are working from in school.
This document contains spelling strategies that are used in class, and can be used at home to aid learning new words:
Southborough's Spelling Strategies
Spellings will be tested on Wednesdays. (Including using them within a sentence.)
We recommend children in Year 6 children read for at least 15 minutes a day.
Please ensure you hear your child read regularly and record on Boom Reader using the parent app on your tablet/mobile no more than once a week:
Some helpful questions to ask the children and check their understanding as they read have been pasted below.
Children should bring their Accelerated Reading book to and from school each day. When they have finished reading their current book, children are asked to complete a quiz before choosing the next one:
Please note: pupil login details have changed slightly due to an upgrade that has taken place on the Accelerated Reader platform. Pupil login details (user name and password) should now be enter in all lower case (no capital letters at all). These login details are used each time your child quizzes a school reading book which carries an accelerated reading quiz code.
Each child in Year 6 will bring home a folder containing grammar questions to answer. This links to the taught skills in English each week and the children must return these by the following Tuesday to go through as a class.
Please see the PDF below:
Each child in Year 6 will bring home a folder containing maths questions to answer. This links to the skills that we have taught and the children must return these by the following Tuesday to go through as a class.
Please see the PDF below:
Music Knowledge Organiser
Below is the music knowledge organiser for this term's music topic. To help with their in-class learning, please can the children read over this each week.