
Southborough Church of England Primary School

Southborough Church of England Primary School

Term 1

TA Storytime Term 1: Explorers

Some people say that we were born to explore. That we all have within us this urge to venture into the unknown and discover something new. In order to explore, you have got to be pretty brave, right? That doesn’t mean, however, that fear and doubt cannot be felt along the way. All of these wonderful books on offer this term will take the children on a journey one way or another. They may travel to places they have never been to before, see creatures they've never even heard of. 


We have also set a challenge for the children in KS2, see below:



Have you been on an adventure of your own or do you find yourself relating to a character in the story? Would you have turned a different way or dealt with a situation better in your opinion? Let us know and write your own version of the story, we’d love to read it!

Please see below for the 'Explorer' books:






Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6
