Southborough Church of England Primary School
Southborough Church of England Primary School
Dorset have listened to a little more of the class text, How The Stars Came To Be. The children wrote character descriptions for the fisherman and his daughter; then they planned an adventure for the fisherman out at sea.
In Maths, the children are discussing and comparing various informal methods for multiplying 2-digit numbers by 1-digit. This will lead to learning formal methods for multiplication. The children who know their multiplication tables well are flying through this.
The new topic on rivers, in Geography, has been interesting and active. Last week, the children used Lego to build the features of a river. This week, they explored the processes of erosion, transportation and deposition, using water on a compost ‘hill’. The children experienced the VR headsets, in the discovery centre, to get a close up view of rivers.
The Science topic is Grouping and Classifying. The children have been exploring the use of classification keys and begun to write one of their own.
In class collective worship, the children made 3D paper hearts to represent compassion, to add to our reflection area. These will join the joyous faces they made last term.
Have a good week everyone.
Mrs. Shrimpton and Mrs. Cheeseman
This is an example of a typical week. The timetable changes on a regular basis. Currently P.E days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please have PE kit in school everyday.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Reading Maths Break Spelling English Lunch Break History French Singing Worship | English Maths Fluency Collective Worship Break Maths Spelling Lunch Break Science RE | Discovery Centre Maths Collective Worship Break PE Spelling Lunch Break English Geography | Reading English Collective Worship Break Handwriting Art Lunch Break Maths Computing
| Handwriting Maths Collective Worship Break Reading English Lunch Break PSHE PE Music
Home learning and spellings will be set each week on a Thursday and will be due in the following Tuesday.
To keep practising the multiplication taught in class, and challenging yourself to keep the ones you already know fresh, don’t forget to log into your Times Tables Rockstars account.
Challenge yourself to beat your score and build your knowledge as you become a Rockstar!
Please ask your class teacher if you need replacement log in details.
Children should bring their Accelerated Reading Book to and from school each day. When they have finished reading, children are asked to complete a quiz before changing their book.
We recommend children in Year 4 read for at least 20 minutes a day. Parents please log your child's reading on the BOOM reader Parent Portal or by using the BOOM reader parent app on your tablet/mobile no more than once a week.
Try putting these spellings into sentences to show the meaning of the words with possessive apostrophes. The next spelling test is Wednesday 22nd January.
purple | blue | red |
logical | beautiful | rain |
Illogical | friend | rained |
literate | were | train |
illiterate | striding | trained |
people’s | racing | again |
children’s | daring | main |
men’s | rippling |
women’s | disappear |
mice’s | incapable |
elves' | undressed | |