
Southborough Church of England Primary School

Southborough Church of England Primary School


Summer Home Learning 2024

Dear Children 


Teachers have chosen a theme from your key text for Term 1 for you to explore over the summer. This is an opportunity for you to be creative and widen your knowledge about our wonderful world so you can use your new knowledge throughout Term 1 to support yours and your classmates learning.


If you want to create anything in addition to your task or bring in photos, artwork etc. which link to your theme, your new teachers would be delighted! We will be using and displaying your work throughout the term.


Please bring your learning into school on Tuesday 3rd September to share with your new teacher and classmates.

For term 5, PE will be on Tuesday and on a Thursday.

Please send your child's PE kit in on Monday, it will be sent home each Friday. Please ensure that all PE kit is clearly labelled with your child's name. Please ensure your child has a tracksuit in school as they will be doing PE outside this term. 

Week Beginning Monday 24th June - This week in Buckinghamshire 1

It has been a busy and warm (HOT) week, filled with great enthusiasm and hard work from our pupils. The school trip to Penshurst Place was a delightful experience for everyone, from the coach ride to exploring the woodland trail. We delved into the world of historical toys, spanning from the Georgian era to the present day, and even enjoyed making our own thaumatropes! A big thank you to all involved, and congratulations to our pupils for their outstanding behaviour.


In mathematics, our pupils have been diligently studying the concept of time. They have been using words like "before" and "after" to understand the sequence of events. Through engaging games and activities, we also explored the days of the week and months of the year, enhancing our time measurement and organisation skills.


Our English classes have been brimming with creativity and excitement. Through imaginative role play, we envisioned the thrill of New York City residents when hummingbirds paid a visit. Following this, we wrote letters in character to 'Granny' in Central America, sharing the thrilling news about the hummingbirds. This activity not only sparked creativity but also honed our letter writing abilities and emotional expression skills.


The fascinating world of animals has captivated us in science lessons. Pupils have been categorising animals based on their distinct features and sorting them into the six primary animal groups: mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and insects. This exploration has deepened our understanding of the defining characteristics of various animal species.


Our history lessons have been equally enthralling. We started writing detailed recounts of our unforgettable trip to Penshurst Place, focusing on the historical artefacts we encountered and discussing the insights these relics offer about the past. This activity helped us learn the art of observing and describing historical evidence.


Our sports day walk-through was a fantastic event, building up the excitement for Sports Day 2024! We appreciate your continual support and engagement in our school and your child's educational journey.

Thank you for being a part of our school community and for your ongoing support.

Home learning


Children should read everyday and this should be recorded on Boom Reader at least once a week. Reading books will be sent home on a Friday, please return your child's book on the following Wednesday.


Set 3 reading - i-e sound

Set 3 reading - o-e sound

Set 3 reading - u-e sound



Wednesday 24th June: A focus on Year 1 common exception words 

  1. ask
  2. come
  3. where
  4. there
  5. your
  6. friend


Please also find linked below the list of spellings Year 1 will be practising throughout the year. Strategies to practise spellings can be found on the Oxford Owl website, here.


Here are some videos to support your child with learning, and remembering, their RWI sounds- 

Set 3 reading - i-e

Set 3 reading - o-e

Set 3 reading - u-e



Times Tables Rockstars/Numbots! 

To keep practising the multiplication taught in class, and challenging yourself to keep the ones you already know fresh, don’t forget to log into your Times Tables Rockstars account

Challenge yourself to beat your score, build your knowledge and watch your confidence sore, as you become a Rockstar!


To use Numbots, for games to support number knowledge, confidence and fluency go to


Please ask your class teacher if you need replacement log in details.

A typical week in Buckinghamshire 1...






Early learning & register

Read Write Inc.


Morning play



Worship singing


TA story


Linked Learning Time

Afternoon play


Home time

Early learning & register

Read Write Inc.


Morning play

Class worship




TA story


Linked Learning Time

Afternoon play


Home time

Early learning & register

Read Write Inc.


Morning play

Collective worship




TA story


Linked Learning Time

Afternoon play


Home time

Early learning & register

Read Write Inc.


Morning play

Phase worship




TA story


Linked Learning Time

Afternoon play


Home time

Early learning & register

Read Write Inc.


Morning play

Collective worship




TA story


Linked Learning Time

Afternoon play


Home time

Year 1 Teaching Team

Year 1 Teaching Team

Specialist Teachers
