
Southborough Church of England Primary School

Southborough Church of England Primary School


Summer Home Learning 2024

Dear Children 


Teachers have chosen a theme from your key text for Term 1 for you to explore over the summer. This is an opportunity for you to be creative and widen your knowledge about our wonderful world so you can use your new knowledge throughout Term 1 to support yours and your classmates learning. Your task is to create a knowledge organiser to use in class. Think about the learning you did in class around using pictures and words to help us remember information. If you want to create anything in addition to your knowledge organiser, or bring photos, artwork etc. which link to your theme, your new teachers would be delighted! We will be using and displaying your work throughout the term.


Please bring your learning into school on Tuesday 3rd September to share with your new teacher and classmates.

Year 4 Curriculum Map 2023-24

Year 4 Class Teachers

Year 4 Teaching Team

Specialist Teachers

Week beginning 24th June 2024


As much as we have loved the sun the heat is starting to get a bit too much. However, this has not stopped us from working hard. We have created working machines in Art that use pulleys and screws. Meanwhile in History, we have started researching the Indus Valley and finding out about their peaceful ways. In English, we have delved deeper into the city with Varjak and made new friends allowing for us to retell parts of the story from their eyes. Finally, sports day is just around the corner and the excitement is building, we had the rehearsal and now we can't want to show everyone what we can do.  



Home Learning


Multiplication Tables



Practise all your times tables by playing this game: Multiplication check


Times Tables Rockstars! 

To keep practising the multiplication taught in class, and challenging yourself to keep the ones you already know fresh, don’t forget to log into your Times Tables Rockstars account. Mr Borland in watching and challenging!


Challenge yourself to beat your score, build your knowledge and watch your confidence sore, as you become a Rockstar!

Please ask your class teacher if you need replacement log in details.


Boom Reader


Children in Year 4 should be reading every night for about 20 minutes. Please record on Boom Reader at least once a week. 


Please note: pupil login details have changed slightly due to an upgrade that has taken place on the Accelerated Reader platform. Pupil login details (user name and password) should now be enter in all lower case (no capital letters at all). These login details are used each time your child quizzes a school reading book which carries an accelerated reading quiz code. 




Spellings will be tested every Tuesday. 


Red group: fossil, usual, measure, treasure, world, worm, workers, worse  

Blue group: heal, heel, missed, mist, who’s, whose, illogical, disqualify,  

Purple: medicine, mention, question, library, accidentally, extreme, arrival, peculiarly, indus, valley




Here is a link with ideas of how to support your child with spelling: Oxford Owl

Year 4 Spelling List

The list of words above is the words the children need to know by the end of year 4.
