Southborough Church of England Primary School
Southborough Church of England Primary School
If you would like to find out more about a career at Southborough please contact the school office.
We advertise our roles on Kent Teach.
Please go to the Kent Teach website to find out more and to complete an application form.
Southborough Church of England Primary School is a Partner school for Teach Kent and Sussex. Please follow the link below to watch a promotional video about Teach Kent and Sussex.
Please read on below for further information about Teach Kent and Sussex and how to apply and follow the link below.
We know that teachers who have been inspired by high quality teacher training will inspire our students with their knowledge and allow them to flourish. Great teaching transforms lives and makes futures brighter. If you would like to be part of that we would love to hear from you.
As part of our commitment to developing world class teaching we are able to provide a variety of routes into teacher training across Kent & East Sussex. We have places to train teachers from September 2017 across a variety of secondary school subjects, across the full age range: 11-18 and for primary school training.
We are part of a ‘school centre for initial teacher training’ known as ‘Teach Kent and Sussex’. This means that teachers who train with us will teach at one of the partner schools within the group and also undertake their professional and subject studies with us too. That means no long journeys to visit universities in London or other parts of Sussex or Kent to complete the teacher training PGCE qualification.
If you are interested, please call our Administrator, Carol Hughes, on 01892 521595, or email her on, to discuss next steps or to arrange a work experience day at one of our schools.
We look forward to meeting you and discussing your career in teaching further.