
Southborough Church of England Primary School

Southborough Church of England Primary School


Year 6 Curriculum Map 2024-25

Year 6 Class Teachers

Year 6 Teaching Team

Specialist Teachers

A typical week in Norfolk 

In Year 6, art and science will be taught in 2-hour blocks and are rotated with each other each week. 

This week in Norfolk 6

Week beginning Monday 14th October


We are rapidly approaching the final week of half term, and the children are doing a fantastic job to keep up the pace and effort with all of their learning. In English, we continued reading ‘On The Move’ - in particular the poem called ‘Homesickness’ - which we used as inspiration for writing our own poetry and narratives. As a class, we discussed how the poem made us feel and what message we felt Michael Rosen was trying to convey. Can you remember what the poem was about? How did you use the poem to inspire your writing over the week? Following on from this discussion, the children were tasked with writing poems and a narrative about one of their own memories. What memory did you write about?


In Science, we took part in our first experiment of the year. As part of our learning about the circulatory system, we took part in an investigation to find our pulse and record our heart rate from various points on our bodies. The children were tasked with finding their radial, carotid and brachial pulse points to make an observation on their resting heart rate. Can you remember what the average resting heart rate for a human is? What was your resting heart rate? We discussed the many factors that can impact someone’s resting heart rate and took these into consideration when carrying out our investigation. As part of our experiment, we repeated our test 3 times at each pulse point, can you explain to your adult why we did this?


In History, we developed our learning further by researching into the ‘Triangular’ slave trade that took place between the 16th and 19th centuries. Can you remember which countries or continents were involved? What was being traded? This lesson opened up various conversations about how it would feel to be an enslaved person being transported across the Atlantic Ocean for eleven weeks in terrible conditions. How would you feel living through those conditions? 


In French this week, we combined our previous understanding of French and our new sporting vocabulary to write a diary entry about the sports we like to participate in. Can you remember how to express your opinion on the sports in which you play/do? What did you write about in your diary entry? 


We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Georgiades, Miss Brewin and Miss Garner.

Home Learning

Home learning and spellings will be set each week on a Thursday and will be due in the following Tuesday. 

Home Learning Topic Task 17.10.24 due in 22.10.24:

For your home learning this week, building on World Mental Health Day (November 10th) and our upcoming Kindness Week, we would like you to do some ‘positive noticing’.
Positive noticing is when you actively look for and name the positives that are going on all around you.

At home, see if you and your families can work together to identify all of the positives that you are all doing in turn. For example, what are the individual actions and strengths that each of your family members demonstrate (be sure to be really specific) and what do you do that’s positive and a strength in their eyes? It could be anything. Sometimes they can seem very small and even be overlooked! See what you can spot.

For next Tuesday 22nd October, please make sure you write down and collect your ideas. This could be in the form of a poster, a knowledge organiser, a speech or even a PowerPoint presentation.
We will be sharing all of the positives we have noticed in class with our friends.

Times Tables Rockstars! 

To keep practising the multiplication skills taught in class, and challenging yourself to keep the ones you already know fresh, don’t forget to log into your Times Tables Rockstars account.

You should be practising for at least 30 minutes a week.


We have a TT Rock Star of the week. Look out to see who the first one is!


Rapid recall of multiplication is essential for success in maths and Times Tables Rockstars gives you self-confidence, recognition and motivation to improve.


We will have a times tables check each Wednesday


Challenge yourself to beat your score, build your knowledge and watch your confidence sore, as you become a Rockstar!


Please ask your class teacher if you need replacement log in details.




The link below will take you to the spelling scheme we are working from in school.

This document contains spelling strategies that are used in class, and can be used at home to aid learning new words:

Southborough's Spelling Strategies


Spellings will be tested on Wednesdays.  (Including using them within a sentence.)





In Year 6, children should be reading for a minimum of 15 minutes per day.

All children have been given a new AR bookmark and know their AR bands. They have selected a book to read at home and school.

Please ensure you hear your child read regularly and record on Boom Reader. Some helpful questions to ask the children as they read have been pasted below. 

Please note: pupil login details have changed slightly due to an upgrade that has taken place on the Accelerated Reader platform. Pupil login details (user name and password) should now be enter in all lower case (no capital letters at all). These login details are used each time your child quizzes a school reading book which carries an accelerated reading quiz code.


Each child in Year 6 will bring home a folder containing grammar questions to answer. This links to the taught skills in English each week and the children must return these by the following Tuesday to go through as a class. 

Please see the PDF below:

Music Knowledge Organiser

Below is the music knowledge organiser for this term's music topic. To help with their in-class learning, please can the children read over this each week.
