
Southborough Church of England Primary School

Southborough Church of England Primary School


Reception Curriculum 2024-2025

Christmas Performance Song Lyrics

This week in Mountain Class

Week Commencing 3rd February


In the classroom, we have been celebrating Lunar New Year. The children have explored this celebration by making decorations, dragon dancing and visiting a restaurant and using chopsticks.


In maths, we have been building 9 and 10. We have been representing these numbers using counting objects, numicon and through stories.  We have also been practising our digit formation, particularly focusing on the digits 8 and 9. Maybe you could have a go at this at home?


 In PE, we have been developing our travelling moves. We explored crawling, sliding, hopping and skipping; we then used these skills to make it across the room in interesting ways. 


 In our R.E., we are continuing to learn about special Bible stories; this week have been looking at miracles finding out how Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding. The children described miracles as “it’s brilliant”, “something you don’t expect” and “it’s kind of a bit like magic but God did it”.

This week's Talking Task


Next week, we will be recapping all of the exciting things we have learned this term. In light of this, can you go for a dark time walk with your child and look and listen for signs of nocturnal animals?  Together, could you also discover more about a diurnal or nocturnal animal they are interested in for them to share with their class at school? 


To enable children to develop their language skills, we have used AI to translate this into other languages spoken in our school community.  




To use Numbots, for games to support number knowledge, confidence and fluency go to  If you need your child's log-in please ask your class teacher.

Reception Class Teachers

Reception Teaching Team

A day in the life of a child in Reception



A typical day (but not always!) 



Adventure Time 

Infant gate opens from 8.20am until 8.30am. 

Parents bring children to classroom back doors. 

Teachers greet children, children encouraged to put their belongings away, self-register and then join in the self-selected activities.  

Teaching Assistant supporting children to become more independent as our aim is for children to be able to “think and do for themselves”. 



Collective worship 

Children gather on the carpet, the teacher will explain the visual timetable (and will continue to do this across the day) to prepare the children for what is next or any changes. 

Daily Collective worship to reflect being a Church of England School. 


Plan & Adventure Time 


Continuous and enhanced provision in all Areas of Learning accessed both in the indoor and outdoor classrooms.  Staff encourage children to develop the characteristics of effective learning as they engage with an extensive range of activities and opportunities.  Staff are trained to carry out high quality interactions with the children to develop their skills further. 


Review and snack 

Fruit supplied by the school. 



Short (Read Write Inc) Phonics adult led session to learn to recognise and write sounds, then sound out and blend them to read words and decode words to spell. 

In addition to discrete phonics teaching, children are encouraged to use recognise and use their phonics skills across the curriculum. 


Adventure Time 


As above 


Review and Maths: Teacher Directed 


Children discuss their activities in Adventure Time. 

Maths- short teacher led session 



TAs support children with their lunch in the hall. 



Outdoor Play 

TAs support outdoor play. 


TA story 

TAs bring children in from play and read a story to the class.  


Teacher directed 

Additional short teacher-led sessions take place which include maths, circle time, literacy, music, R.E., P.E. and Corner Stones based topic lessons.  These short inputs feed into the child-initiated learning enabling children to use the resources to further 


Adventure Time 


Children who have been assessed as needing additional support with Language, speech, and other identified areas, will be supported in short, frequent, small group boosters.  


Phonics Review / Review of the day 


Recap of Phonics learning / and other learning during the day. 

Some children have milk (free until 5th birthday) 


Magic Maths 

Short teacher led session 


Story Time  

Home preparation 

Final story of the day. 


Children gather their belongings and await the arrival of their parent.  The outdoor area is closed to all at this time.  


Parents Arrive 

The infant gate is opened at 3pm. 

Strict protocols followed with collection lists. 

Any queries should be radioed to the office for clarification, or a member of SLT called.  

Parents encouraged to only have brief handover conversation, and to call the office for telephone call appt for longer conversations. 
