Southborough Church of England Primary School
Southborough Church of England Primary School
This term in geography we are looking at maps. This week we have been focusing on the UK and being able to name all the countries and their capital cities, that make up the UK. We have also been creating treasure maps, similar to the ones used in our text, 'How to find gold.'
After previously drawing our self-portraits in art, this week saw the children exploring making a funny face portrait by cutting and sticking different pictures of face parts onto a background face template. The children found it great fun creating such weird looking people!
This week in science we looked at the different features of deciduous and evergreen trees. We studied a selection of twigs from different trees and sketched them deciding if they were evergreen or deciduous. The children were fascinated how leaves can be so different as we compared pine needles to oak leaves.
In PE we have started gymnastics and are learning how to make and hold shapes with our bodies. The children have shown great creativity, even using their bodies to spell out words.
A typical week in Wiltshire 1
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thur | Fri |
Maths fluency | Maths fluency | Maths fluency | Maths fluency | Maths fluency |
Morning break | Morning break | Morning break | Morning break | Morning break |
English and Linked Learning | Class Worship | Clergy Worship | Phase Worship | Collective Worship |
Maths | English and Linked Learning | English and Linked Learning | English and Linked Learning | English and Linked Learning |
Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch |
Music | Maths and Linked Learning | Maths and Linked Learning | Maths and Linked Learning | Maths and Linked Learning |
Linked Learning | PE | Science and Linked Learning | Computing | Geography and Linked Learning |
Afternoon break | Afternoon break | Afternoon break | Afternoon break | Afternoon break |
Singing | PSHE | Art | PE | History |
RE | Linked Learning | Linked Learning | PE | Linked Learning |
Home time | Home time | Home time | Home time | Home time |
Please click on the link to view how to pronounce the Read Write Inc sounds.
To use Numbots, for games to support number knowledge, confidence and fluency go to If you need your child's log-in please ask your class teacher.