Welcome to our art gallery. We hope you enjoy looking at our amazing artwork.
Year 2 Autumn Term 2 2024
DT: Push and Pull
his project teaches children about three types of mechanism: sliders, levers and linkages. They make models of each mechanism before designing and making a greetings card with a moving part.
Year 4 Autumn Term 2 2024
DT: Functional and Fancy Fabrics
This project teaches children about home furnishings and the significant designer William Morris. They learn techniques for decorating fabric, including block printing and embellishments and use these techniques to design and make a fabric sample.
Year 5 Autumn Term 2 2024
DT: Moving Mechanisms
This project teaches children about pneumatic systems. They experiment with pneumatics before designing, making and evaluating a pneumatic machine that fits a design brief.
Year 6 Autumn Term 2 2024
DT: Engineer
This project teaches children about remarkable engineers and significant bridges, learning to identify features, such as beams, arches and trusses. They complete a bridge-building engineering challenge to create a bridge prototype.
Year 2 Autumn Term 1 2024
Art Unit: Still Life
This project teaches children about the work of significant still life artists and still life techniques. They explore a wide variety of still lifes and learn about the use of colour and composition. They create still life arrangements and artwork.
Year 4 Autumn Term 1 2024
DT Unit: Warp and Weft
This project teaches children about the artform of weaving and how it has developed over time, including the materials and techniques required to create woven patterns and products. The children made their own flower looms from paper plates and made these beautiful weavings.
Year 5 Autumn Term 1 2024
ART Unit: Tints, Tones and Shades
This project teaches children about colour theory by studying the colour wheel and exploring mixing tints, shades and tones. They learn about significant landscape artworks and features of landscapes before using this knowledge to create winter landscape paintings and drawings.
Year 6 Autumn Term 1 2024
ART Unit: Trailblazers and Barrier Breakers
This project teaches children about significant black artists and their work, and provides opportunities to analyse and create artwork inspired by them.
Year 2 Summer Term 6 2024
DT Unit: Cut, Stitch and Join
This project teaches children about fabric home products and the significant British brand Cath Kidston. Y2 learnt about sewing patterns and using a running stitch and embellishments before making a beautiful sewn bag tag.
Year 4 Summer Term 6 2024
DT Unit: Tomb Builders
This project teaches children about simple machines, including wheels, axles, inclined planes, pulleys and levers, exploring how they helped ancient builders to lift and move heavy loads. Y4 had great fun making their simple and comped machines.
Year 5 Summer Term 6 2024
ART Unit : Expression
This project teaches children about the Expressionist art movement and the 'Father of Expressionism', Edvard Munch. Y5 explored different ways to portray feelings and emotions in art to create an imaginative self-portrait.
Year 6 Summer Term 6 2024
ART Unit: Distortion and Abstraction
This project teaches children about the concepts of abstraction and distortion. Y6 studied the visual characteristics of abstraction and create a musically-inspired, abstract painting in the style of Robert and Sonia Delauney.
Year 2 Summer Term 5 2024
Art unit: Portraits and Poses
This project teaches children about portraiture. They analyse the portraits of Tudor monarchs and compare Tudor portraits and selfies today. They use photo editing software to create royal portraits.
Year 4 Summer Term 5 2024
Art unit: Islamic Art
This project teaches children about the features of Islamic art. They make geometric patterns and motifs on paper using watercolours and other drawing media.
Year 5 Summer Term 5 2024
Art Unit: Mixed Media
This project teaches children about paper crafts, papermaking and collage techniques, including paper, fabric, mixed media and photo collage. They use their learning to create a final piece of small-scale, mixed media collage.
Year 6 Summer Term 5 2024
Art Unit: Abstraction and Distortion
This project teaches children about the concepts of abstraction and distortion. They study the visual characteristics of abstraction and create a musically-inspired, abstract painting inspired by Sonia and Robert Delaunay.
Year 2 Spring Term 4 2024
DT unit: Beach Hut
This project teaches children about making and strengthening structures, including different ways of joining materials.
Year 4 Spring Term 4 2024
Art unit: Animal
This project teaches children about the historical and cultural portrayal of animals in art. They study the visual qualities of animals through sketching and clay modelling.
Year 5 Spring Term 4 2024
DT unit: Architecture
This project teaches children about how architectural style and technology has developed over time and then use this knowledge to create a semi 3D Greek temple with specific features. We also created stunning pen and ink drawings of the three orders of capitals: doric, ionic and corinthian.
Year 6 Spring Term 4 2024
DT unit: Make Do and Mend
This project teaches children a range of simple sewing stitches, including ways of recycling and repurposing old clothes and materials. We used recycled materials to make British flags which will displayed to celebrate the Paris Olympics.
Year 2 Spring Term 3 2024
Art unit: Flower Head
This project teaches children about the visual elements of flowers, including shape, texture, colour, pattern and form. They also explore various artistic methods, including drawing, painting and 3-D forms, making paper sculptures.
Year 4 Spring Term 3 2024
Art unit: Vistas
This project teaches children about the techniques that artists use when composing landscape images, such as colour and atmosphere.