Southborough Church of England Primary School
Southborough Church of England Primary School
Instrumental Music Lessons
If you would like to book music lessons for your child, please follow the link below for more information on our visiting music teacher team.
Weekly class music lessons follow the fantastic curriculum of Kapow -take a look at the music curriculum here:
In addition to their class music lessons, students get a weekly singing assembly (collective worship) and the opportunity to take 1:1 and or group instrumental lessons as well as the opportunity to join one of our fantastic music clubs.
Year 3 are all learning to play the trumpet this year and are having lessons with our very own Mrs Hughes who is a brass specialist.
We continue to put on music concerts at the end of terms 2, 4 and 6. There are Christmas shows as well as the much-anticipated year 6 production at the end of the summer term.
See below for photos of class music lessons, instrumental lessons, Orchestra club, Junior choir, Infant choir and singing collective worship.
Music is an important part of the curriculum and school life at Southborough Church of England Primary School. In addition to weekly class based music lessons, involving composing, performing, listening and appraising, musical activities take on a variety of guises throughout the school. See below for examples of the fantastic music opportunities and latest performances....