Southborough Church of England Primary School
Southborough Church of England Primary School
Welcome to Year 3!
For Term 1, PE is on a Tuesday and Forest School will be on a Thursday morning.
Please send your child's PE kit in on Monday, it will be sent home each Friday. Please make sure your child's clothing and shoes are named. Please provide socks for PE if your child wears tights.
Week 1 in Devon 3!
What a lovely first week of term! It has been so lovely to see all of the children's home learning coming in and sharing it with the class. We have started reading Quill Soup about a porcupine called Noko who has travelled far and wide and is very tired and hungry. But no one in the village will share their food. The children have been writing character descriptions about Noko, thinking carefully about their sentence structure and including their non-negotiables – Full stops, capital letters, finger spaces, adjective and adverbs.
In maths we have begun our mini topic of Place Value. We have been looking at how we partition a number into Hundreds, tens and ones and using base 10/dienes to support us in doing this. We have also looked at number lines and been learning about how we work out the missing interval. Please continue to practise your timetables at home using TT Rockstar’s as this will help with our next mini topic in maths.
In History we have begun our studies of the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. Today we made some timelines which included how long ago this time was. The children enjoyed making these and learnt some new words, such as – Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic.
We also started to learn the trumpet in music this week! Mrs Hughes has very kindly agreed to help us in year 3 with this. The first session was fantastic and the children did a really great job in learning how to hold the instrument correctly and use the correct way of blowing into the mouth piece.
A typical week in Devon 3:
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Handwriting English Break Maths Daily Mile RE Lunch Geography Singing Assembly Reading | Handwriting English Break Assembly Maths PE Lunch Reading Music Discovery Centre Visit | Handwriting English Break Assembly Maths Spelling Lunch Science Daily Mile History
| Handwiritng Forest School
Lunch English Maths | Handwriting English Break Assembly Maths Reading Lunch Art Daily Mile PSHE