
Southborough Church of England Primary School

Southborough Church of England Primary School


Summer Home Learning 2024

Dear Children 


Teachers have chosen a theme from your key text for Term 1 for you to explore over the summer. This is an opportunity for you to be creative and widen your knowledge about our wonderful world so you can use your new knowledge throughout Term 1 to support yours and your classmates learning. Your task is to create a knowledge organiser to use in class. Think about the learning you did in class around using pictures and words to help us remember information. If you want to create anything in addition to your knowledge organiser, or bring photos, artwork etc. which link to your theme, your new teachers would be delighted! We will be using and displaying your work throughout the term.


Please bring your learning into school on Tuesday 3rd September to share with your new teacher and classmates.

Year 3 Curriculum Map 2023-24

Year 3 Class Teachers

Year 3 Teaching Team

Specialist Teachers

Thursday 18th July 2024


Dear parents/carers,


Welcome to our last class update for the year. Well, we cannot believe how quickly this year has flown by, especially this term. We are not looking forward to saying goodbye to Cornwall next Tuesday, as we could not have asked for a more amazing class. But, we are excited for what Year 4 will hold for them and we have asked them to come up to their old classroom and say hello whenever they want to!


In English, we finished the book of ‘The miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane’. We all agreed that it was one of the most beautiful stories that we have read as a class and a very moving narrative. The children were introduced to biographies and we looked at the difference between an autobiography and a biography. Cornwall then went on to write their own biography about Edward Tulane and his incredible journey of highs and lows.


In Maths this week we have been revisiting column subtraction and multiplying a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number, looking at no exchanges and exchanges. Please try to encourage your child to keep up with their Times Tables Rockstars over the summer so that they are ready and prepared for Year 4 in September.


We were also fortunate to have Miss Bird join us all day on Tuesday and for part of yesterday. It has been extremely helpful for the children to get to know Miss Bird and feel comfortable with her before the start of Year 4.


Well done also to our amazing guitarists and glockenspiel musicians who played confidently and beautifully in front of many of you on Tuesday afternoon. They have worked so hard in their music lessons and it definitely showed!


Thank you all so much for your support and for being amazing class parents and carers this year. We have been so lucky to have taught your children and get to know you in the process.


Have a wonderful summer and enjoy every moment.


Mrs Nash, Mrs Britton and Mrs Charlwood.

Attached is a list of the 100 most common words that your child is expected to know how to spell by the end of Year 4 (please see attachment).




Times Tables Rockstars! 

To keep practising the multiplication taught in class, and challenging yourself to keep the ones you already know fresh, don’t forget to log into your Times Tables Rockstars account.


Challenge yourself to beat your score, build your knowledge and watch your confidence sore, as you become a Rockstar!

Please ask your class teacher if you need replacement log in details.



Children should bring their Accelerated Reading Book to and from school each day. When they have finished reading, children are asked to complete a quiz before changing their book.

We recommend children in Year 3 read for at least 20 minutes a day.  Parents please log your child's reading on the BOOM reader Parent Portal or by using the BOOM reader parent app on your tablet/mobile no more than once a week.


Please note: pupil login details have changed slightly due to an upgrade that has taken place on the Accelerated Reader platform. Pupil login details (user name and password) should now be entered in all lower case (no capital letters at all). These login details are used each time your child quizzes a school reading book which carries an accelerated reading quiz code.
