
Southborough Church of England Primary School

Southborough Church of England Primary School


Welcome to the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) section of our website.

Find us on Facebook - Southborough C of E Primary School Community Page 

Southborough PTA is a registered charity, number 1072957



Hello and a very warm welcome to Southborough’s Parent Teacher Association.

Every parent or carer with a pupil at our school automatically becomes a member of our PTA. Here at Southborough we have a fantastic, lively and active PTA Trustees, a group of parents and staff members who raise much needed funds to enhance the educational enrichment opportunities and enjoyment for our school community.


Last year we raised an amazing £18,500 (profit) through various events and activities including our annual Fireworks Display, Christmas Fair and Summer Fair, Bake Sales and Uniform Sales.


Our fundraising activities over the last couple of years have financed the infant Christmas parties plus their gifts from Father Christmas, Jubilee and Coronation activities plus gifts as well as helping towards other resources the school has needed including new books and the new VR headsets for the Discovery centre.

We are currently fundraising towards the schools exciting new project – The Discovery Hub.


It is however not just our school who benefits from our events but also members of our local community. We like to involve everyone locally as much as possible as we feel strong community relationships are vital.


There is no pressure to join our team, your support in general is all that we ask. However, if you would like to become more involved we always appreciate help in a number of ways. Could you spend an evening folding raffle tickets for us? Or help with setting up or clearing up at events? Are you able to provide a service we may need such as printing, or able to provide sponsorship in some way such as through match funding?  Or are you simply just good at fundraising ideas?  If you feel you could make a difference, we would love to hear from you so please do get in touch via our email


Sign Up to the PTA - Click here

Friday Cafe


Every Friday Christ Church Southborough is hosting a coffee afternoon where parents can come along (with pre-schoolers too) to relax and enjoy a warm drink and some cake whilst meeting friends or other parents of Southborough Primary School.


The SENCo from school will also be here once a month for a drop-in session where you can find out more about what support is available if needed.

Other Ways to Help Fundraise

Raise money whilst you shop online.

It’s as EASY as 1, 2, 3!

New shoes from NEXT, an Alexa from Amazon?


With over 2000 retailers to choose from you could earn a donation for our PTA from retailers at no extra cost to yourself, it’s EASY!

  1. Head to
  2. Search and sign up to support Southborough Primary School
  3. Start shopping!

You can download the 'easyfundraising' app or use the donation reminder tool, it really is EASY to raise funds for our children!

When purchasing name labels make sure you enter our unique code ‘18675’ and 24% of every purchase will be donated to our PTA.


Please click on and use our affiliate link below.

Earn 15% commission for your PTA when you buy any Stamptastic product.


PLUS £4.99 discount when you order the School Name Labels Deluxe Bundle, using this PTA Code: TN40JY

Please click on and use our affiliate link below.
