
Southborough Church of England Primary School

Southborough Church of England Primary School

Sport and Healthy Lifestyles

                                            Mr Levett (Head of PE and Healthy Lifestyles)



Welcome back to the new academic year 2023-24! We start the new term in brilliant sunshine and we look forward to the year ahead with an action packed year of sport. Over the course of the year we'll be focusing on developing the pupils skills across a range of sports, developing their fitness and continuing to be competitive in competitions across the year groups. We'll also welcome back in our external providers who support both in curriculum and at afterschool clubs. I look forward to working with all the pupils who have moved up a year group whilst making their PE fun and enjoyable, as well as competitive and challenging!


Please keep an eye on the termly sports fixtures that we build into the school year and follow the results and pictures of pupils as they take part in competitions and activities by 'clicking' on the yellow sports stars below.  

Platinum Sports Mark - More details about what we have achieved in order to gain accreditation can be found by clicking on the PDF link.


Latest Fixtures and competitions

We've got another action packed year with lots of competitions during the academic school year 2023-2024. Over the course of the year pupils will be taking part in a number of different inter and intra school competitions as well as Kent School Games events. See below for Southborough's sports and fixtures.



Term 6

In term 6 we continue to develop our focus on team sports and striking and fielding games such as cricket, tennis and rounders across all the Key stages but also start to concentrate on preparation for Sports Day later this term. We delighted that our Year 4's are continuing their swimming during curriculum time to develop their swimming and Water Safety. All these sports help keep our children physically active and healthy. Taking part in any activity reduces the risk of childhood obesity and illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes in adulthood. Athletics is a great way to keep children active with it's many different disciplines involving speed, endurance, jumping, throwing  as it requires pupils to use their whole body, similar to swimming which pupils in years 4, 5 and 6 take part in during core PE at designated times of the year.


Pupils in EYFS and Key stage 1 will continue to focus on invasion activities and striking and fielding. However, with Sports Day just around the corner they are now practicing their running, relays, jumping and throwing skills in preparation for the day. In Key stage 2 we have been focusing on developing our cricket skills with the help of our Community Cricket Leader Sandra and are preparing for Sports Day by practicing our sprints, distance relays, relays, jumps and throws. We will also be focusing on tennis and rounders with Sprint PE.


Over the course of the year the pupils will follow a longer term curriculum plan, specific high quality sports schemes allowing them to engage in a range of sports during curriculum time taught by both Mr Levett,  class teachers, Sprint PE and external providers along with our Community Cricket Officer.  The aim is to give a broad range of sports so every pupil has the opportunity to flourish with their skills and fitness and develop an understanding of the benefits of physical activities and a healthy lifestyle.


Sports are usually taught in advance of upcoming competitions to give pupils the opportunity to develop their skills and at certain times we'll provide a lunchtime preparation club run by the PE lead or external provider. Clubs also form part of the training for these competitions and allow us to select teams ready for the events. 
