
Southborough Church of England Primary School

Southborough Church of England Primary School


Summer Home Learning 2024

Dear Children 


Teachers have chosen a theme from your key text for Term 1 for you to explore over the summer. This is an opportunity for you to be creative and widen your knowledge about our wonderful world so you can use your new knowledge throughout Term 1 to support yours and your classmates learning. Your task is to create a knowledge organiser to use in class. Think about the learning you did in class around using pictures and words to help us remember information. If you want to create anything in addition to your knowledge organiser, or bring photos, artwork etc. which link to your theme, your new teachers would be delighted! We will be using and displaying your work throughout the term.


Please bring your learning into school on Tuesday 3rd September to share with your new teacher and classmates.

Year 3 Curriculum Map 2023-24

Year 3 Class Teachers

Year 3 Teaching Team

Specialist Teachers

Thursday 18th July 2024


Dear Parents and Carers,


It was lovely to see so many of you at our Open Evening on Tuesday; I am sure you will agree, the children have produced some excellent work in their books this term, and I am so very proud of them all. Well, this week, we have finally finished our book, Edward Tulane. It has an emotional ending, but it is, I believe, one of the most profound children's books ever written, and it has been a pleasure and a joy to explore this lovely story with Sussex: a class whom have got so much out of it, and who have come up with such wonderful ideas. I would recommend purchasing a copy, if you can: it is worth re-reading and discussing further as a family. We have also finished off our History and Science topics, as well as revising multiplication and division using the column method.


Tomorrow, please can each child bring to school a sturdy large bag to carry their school books in, as they will be taking these home tomorrow afternoon. Please also note that the children will bring home their PE kits home tomorrow also. These will not be needed for Monday and Tuesday next week. The collection point tomorrow at home-time will be the Year 4 collection point: i.e. the Junior Gate. Monday and Tuesday will be spent in the Year 4 classroom, in readiness for the children being in Sussex 4 next term.


On a more personal note, please may I thank you all for your lovely, and very thoughtful leaving presents: these were carefully chosen and very much appreciated. I have loved teaching Sussex 3 this year. They are amazing children whom have not only blossomed and grown as the year has continued, but whom I have genuinely enjoyed spending each day with: supporting their learning, discussing their ideas, and knowing them more and more as human beings. It has genuinely been one of the highlights of my 28-year teaching career; they are very special people, and I shall miss them enormously. To use a quote from Edward Tulane: 'The stars are always there, whether we see them or not. The journey must go on, but our hearts have been warmed by those we have met'. Thank you, Sussex 3: for your hard work, your enthusiasm, your motivation and perseverance, your ideas, your kindness, your smiles and stories - and for warming my heart also. You are an amazing class: you shall be missed.


Dr Wilson and Ms Sham

Home Learning - Term 6:




In Year 3, the children are set for spelling in two separate groups: red and blue. Here are the spelling words for next week for each group. Our spelling test (for each group) will be on Thursdays:



Red Words:


Red spellings: Revision:














Blue Words:


Blue spellings - suffix -sion











Topic words









In addition, please find some information to support your child at home with their spellings:


Also attached is the 100 most common words that your child is expected to know by the end of Year 3 (please see below).



Times Tables Rockstars! 

To keep practising the multiplication taught in class, and challenging yourself to keep the ones you already know fresh, don’t forget to log into your Times Tables Rockstars account.



Challenge yourself to beat your score, build your knowledge and watch your confidence sore, as you become a Rockstar!

Please ask your class teacher if you need replacement log in details.



Children should bring their Accelerated Reading Book to and from school and home each day. 

When they have finished reading, children are asked to complete a quiz before changing their book.

Children change finished books using the guidance and support provided by the teaching team within the class.  


We recommend children in Year 3 read for at least 20 minutes a day.  Parents please log your child's reading on the BOOM reader Parent Portal or by using the BOOM reader parent app on your tablet/mobile no more than once a week.

Instructions on how to log on to Boom Reader have been sent home in your child's bag but are also available on our website:

Please ask if you have any questions.


Please note: pupil login details have changed slightly due to an upgrade that has taken place on the Accelerated Reader platform. Pupil login details (user name and password) should now be enter in all lower case (no capital letters at all). These login details are used each time your child quizzes a school reading book which carries an accelerated reading quiz code.

Fun Art - Optional Homework!

Make some 3D shapes out of marshmallows and cocktail sticks! How many can you make, using a standard bag of marshmallows?























