Southborough Church of England Primary School
Southborough Church of England Primary School
Sports Leaders 2024-2025
We've had another amazing uptake of Sport Leaders this year in 2024-2025 with 35 Sports Leaders currently organised into six equal groups. Over the course of the year I'll be working with the leaders who will be supported by our fantastic TA mentors on the various playgrounds whilst organising the 'Personal Best Weekly Challenges'. Our aim is to support all pupils with their sports to maintain the 'Active 60' alongside the 'Daily Mile' and by giving our pupils opportunity to compete through our 'Olympic Continent' house system and celebrate sporting success throughout the year.
Sports Leader Playground Days:
Group Day Sport Playground
Group 1
| Wednesday Thursday* Yr 2 | PB Challenge | Junior Infant |
Group 2 | Monday | PB Challenge | Keys |
| Thursday |
| Junior |
Group 3
| Monday*YR 2 Thursday | PB Challenge | Infant Keys |
Group 4
| Monday Friday | PB Challenge | Junior Keys |
Group 5
Group 6 | Wednesday Friday *YR 2 Wednesday*YR2 Friday | Pb Challenge
PB Challenge | Keys Infant Infant Junior
* YR 2 – on Playground at 12.00 (Group 3, 5 6) early lunch 11.50am so out at 12 midday.
Daily Timings/PB Challenge:
PB/Play | Infant Playground (IP) | Time (IP) | Keys Playground (KP) | Time (KP) | Junior Playground (JP)
| Time (JP) |
Mon | Shropshire (1)
Leicestershire (2) | 12-12.15pm
12.35 – 50pm | Sussex (4)
Devon (3) | 12-12.30pm
12.30-1pm | Yorkshire (6)
Gloucester(5) | 12.30-12.45pm
12- 12.20pm |
Tues | (No Leaders) | (No Leaders) | (No Leaders) | |||
Weds | Wiltshire (1) | 12-12.15pm | Cornwall (4) | 12-12.30pm | Norfolk (6) | 12.30-12.45pm
Thurs | Staffordshire (2)
Durham (1) | 12.35-12.50pm
12-12.15pm | Surrey (3)
Dorset (4) | 12.30-1pm
| Herefordshire(5)
Suffolk (6) | 12-12.20pm
12.30-12.45pm |
Fri | Buckingham (2)
| 12.35-12.50pm | Cumbria (3) | 12.30-1pm | Northampton(5) | 12.00-12.20pm |
Group 1 | Henry K | Yasmin | Ava H | Jemima | Joseph | Rupert |
Group 2 | Stanley | William | Jake F | Kayla | Hen HF | Darcie P |
Group 3 | Emma B | Chloe PA | Finn D | Max | Rudy | Molly B |
Group 4 | Alfie M | Jess M | Milo J | Isobel M | Daisy H | Maxi D |
Group 5 | Ben C | Ellie W | Lydia MJ | Eli A | Blake A | Shreyas |
Group 6 | Finley W | Evie L | Clara F | Chloe S | Colton C | Charlie |
Sports Leaders Training- September 2023
The Sports Leaders ‘Playmakers’ training took place on Tuesday 18th July which was organised and run by Mrs Pain for Sprint PE. The 26 Sports Leaders were split into different groups for the session. The Sports Leadership activities helped the pupils learn how to be successful Sports Leaders. Pupils took part in training around the 4 key principles of PACE. Participation, Area, Communication and Equipment. The children learnt about these key principles and for each specific area took part in both written and practical activities which involved a number of different tasks incorporating the principle of PACE.
As we now enter the first term of the new academic year 2023-24 the Sports Leaders (Playmakers) begin their lunchtime activities on the infant, keys, and Junior Playground whilst being supported by the schools teaching assistants. The Leaders will be working on the playgrounds on a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
There are 6 mini groups of 4-5 pupils. The pupils will be:
Group 1 | Deron | Jenson | Callum | Hamad |
Group 2 | Charlie | Emmanuel | Jake | Frank | Jacob |
Group 3 | Sebastian | George | Alfie |
Group 4 Shayla Beau Hana Piers Annabel
Group 5 Alice Isabella Lauren Bongani Isabelle
Group 6 Ava Daisy Anna Grace
The table shows on what days the sports leaders will be running their activities and the playground they'll be working on.
Group Day Sport Playground
Group 1
| Monday Thursday | Choice | Junior Infant |
Group 2 | Monday | Choice | Keys |
| Thursday |
| Junior |
Group 3
| Monday(YR 2) Thursday | Choice | Infant Keys |
Group 4
| Monday Friday | Choice | Junior Keys |
Group 5
Group 6 | Wednesday Friday(YR 2) Wednesday(Yr 2) Friday | Choice
Choice | Keys Infant Infant Junior
The sports leaders will be working on:
Junior playground- Supporting the TA’s (Sports Leader led)
Keys playground- Planning and delivering inclusive games
Infant playground- Planning and delivering inclusive games
During their training the Sports Leaders captured different elements of their day which they’ve highlighted in the pictures below and through their written reports. The pupils worked in the hall doing group activities before going outside to deliver their own activities similar to what they’ll be doing on the playgrounds.
Each pupil had a go a developing their participation skills and learnt about keeping actives moving and fun when delivering a skill. They learnt about the importance of organising, making sure pupils knew what they are doing and where they must stand.
Pupils worked as a team and supported each other when discussing the importance of making sure the working area was safe so all participants could have fun throughout the activities.
Communication was really important and pupils worked in groups highlighting the importance of being understood and ensuring that participants knew what they were doing, when leaders wanted them to do it and how it needed to be demonstrated successfully with good communication.
Equipment was really important and the leaders took their time to organise their activities using the available equipment in the best way possible so that participants could do the activity safely and have fun.
Here’s what the pupils said about their day:
Pupil 1
In the playmakers sessions we have been taught to be independent and able to teach others. Depending on their year group, the skills set changes as we had to make the activities easier and harder depending on the pupils ability and age. We encouraged the children to build their confidence and ability to play the game we set.
Pupil 2
As part of our training we worked with Mrs Pain and Mr Levett. We filled out our booklets remembering the importance of what pace meant:
Pace means P = participate A = area C = communication and E = equipment.
In each section, we learnt a new skills and then we discuss how we could improve the skills as a leader. At the end of the booklet, we had to fill out what we liked and what we wanted to get better at. When the session finished, we concluded what we had learnt and what we were best at.
Pupil 3
In the playmaker training, we got to plan are own activity and teach it to the other members. For example we taught a relay along and then variations using different equipmwnt whilst running races. We had to use PACE which means:
P = participate A = area C = communication and E = equipment.
In the future, we will teach various sports in P.E such as dodgeball or maybe bench ball.
Pupil 4
When doing the playmakers course, Mr Levett and Miss Pain taught us fun games that at the same time were quite different. As well as games, we learnt what PACE stood for. We learnt how to split up teams equally and fairly based on ability. In my opinion, the most challenging area will be teaching pupils of a similar age and ability. Its really important that I learn new knowledge and understanding around the different sport.
We also had to answer how you would sort pupils in ability groups and how many there are.
Well done to all the Sport Leaders on an excellent days training.
Sports Leader 2022-23
As we come to the end of Term 2 the Sports Leaders have been reflecting on their leadership activities on the playground at lunchtimes. The leaders have enjoyed applying PACE to their activities with the different year groups on Mondays and Fridays particularly organising, referring and communicating with the pupils to make the games fun and enjoyable. Here are some pictures of the Sports Leaders in action on the lead up to the Christmas break.