
Southborough Church of England Primary School

Southborough Church of England Primary School


Please click on the link to view how to pronounce the Read Write Inc sounds.


Click here for Read Write Inc sound pronunciation

Week commencing 25th March: 


What a way to end the term! Despite a vigorous breeze, the children were delighted to take part in our Easter Bonnet parade on Thursday. Everyone looked spectacular and the children were so proud to wear their bonnets and have parents and the rest of the school applaud them. As part of the Easter Bonnet parade, we went to Christchurch for a very special Easter service, where Rev. Nick did a tremendous job helping the children to understand the Easter story.  


Our maths learning this week was re-capping learning from earlier in the term, so the children revisited odd and even numbers, doubles and started to make and recognise more complex patterns. 


As our topic for the term is Signs of Spring, we went to the woods on a special Spring spotting walk. The children were amazed to see new leaf buds and even flowers blooming on trees. Some of the children spotted nests. We also talked about the clock change on Sunday and how the days lengthen in Spring and that is reflected in the change in time on the clock. 


We hope you have a fantastic break and look forward to seeing you back on 15th April. 


Thank you for logging reading on Boom Reader, it is helpful to see how the children are progressing with reading at home, as well as in the classroom.  Well done to everyone using Numbots at home as well, it is an excellent way to support essential maths skills, such as subitising. Please log your child’s reading once a week on Boom Reader and continue to use Numbots. If you have any problems logging on to either, please speak to your class teacher. 

This week in Snowdon



To use Numbots, for games to support number knowledge, confidence and fluency go to  If you need your child's log-in please ask your class teacher.

A typical day in Reception


Adventure time is part of our Continued Provision.  Adults provide Enhanced Provisions by facilitating learning based around the children’s fascinations and interests, as well as our current class based learning.  In this time, we will also focus on children’s fine and gross motor skills – as part of their physical development, expressive arts and design, communication and language, maths, literacy, understanding the world and their personal, social and emotional development.




Adventure Time (inside)




Collective worship 



Adventure Time (inside and outside, all 3 classes have the opportunity to mix) 



Review Adventure Time learning

Snack time 






Adventure Time 

(Inside and outside, all 3 classes have the opportunity to mix) 







Outdoor Play 

TA story 



Teacher directed 

This might be R.E., literacy, PHSE, topic-based lessons or music.



Adventure Time 

(Inside and outside, all 3 classes have the opportunity to mix) 



Phonics Review – revising the day’s sound


Milk (– for those who have ordered through Cool Milk)




Story Time 



Magic Maths 



Home Time


Reception Class Teachers

Reception Teaching Team
